Blog — our frames
What frame size is best for me?
4 in frame 4 inch frame 6 inch frame about us frame frame sizes narrow frames our frames wide frames

Delta Girl Frames offers two wood widths. Frames are categorized by 2 measurements. First, the inner opening of the frame-or the picture size, such as 8×10, 11×14, 5×7, etc. The second measurement we use is 4″ or 6″ wood width and this is where many people can’t visualize the difference. Have no fear, Delta Girl is here to save the day!! We wanted you all to see the difference, hung on a wall side by side. This is our beautiful white wash with a Colonial trim in Tradewinds. Both frames have an inner opening of 8×10 but the one on the...
about us frame hand made our frames picture frame

We talk about our frames all the time, all day long and we still have to double check ourselves from time to time. So we know you might get confused from time to time when placing orders. We strive to make ordering simple for you all and create great combos that you can order as is-but should your creative juices feel a need, a need for speed, then we want you get exactly what you want! Lets discuss the anatomy of our frames! When you place an order, you’ll be asked about the size, base color, pattern, pattern color, trim,...